What is it that leads a man to break completely before his wife? Before his children? Before his mother?
I don’t feel there is an answer to that. As a man you are taught to remain strong, keep pushing and stand before your wife and children as their protective shield.
Does a man cry? The question we wonder when no tear is present. Does a man hurt? A question we wonder when a man is not broken.
It is not a crime to cry. You are not less of a man when you shed a tear. A man has fears just the same as a woman. A man fears not being able to provide for him self or his family. A man fears failure.
Let’s allow our MEN of today to shed a tear. Let’s help soften their fears. Let’s be there to talk them to greatness.
If your a man reading this express your self. Don’t be afraid to cry. Don’t be afraid to discuss your fears or break down when you need help.
If your a woman reading this. Turn to a man in your life and say I’m here. Your not alone. My ears await anything you are going through. Nothing in life is meant to be handled alone.

Let’s listen and hear. A man can cry.

Thanks for reading.

I haven’t forgot that thing you did.
I just pushed it to the back for the kids.
I’m not sure how long mute will last.
But you will be judged for your dirty past.
I have these visions of you with all types of ass.
You have my mind cluttered with all this trash.
You told me it’s me you love, these woman don’t mean a thing.
But yet I find that hard to believe.
You don’t know it yet, But my mind has control of me.
I’ve been waiting on the phone to ring.
I’m waiting on a call, it’s the lawyer getting back to me.
He said I’ve won everything. So you can get your shit and leave.

My mind is on a journey. I didn’t plan this mystery. My mind just hit the road, this has even been crazy news to me.
I’m not sure if there’s any stops. I’ve seen so many things. I traveled down the roads of happy, pain and misery.
Each road I remembered clearly. I think I lived each important seen.
I noticed no lane is straight. It comes with forks and bumps.
Each time I move forward my head gets new lumps.
Oh no what is this a roller coaster? Please stop this journey fast.
If this journey keeps getting worse, I’m going to kick someone’s ASS.

Yes babe you was saying……..

I was given at birth but one heart.
Each day I laid in the womb it was important to protect my HEART beats.
I wasn’t sure at the time the protection of my heart but it lied through my creator.
I was given a birthday. On this day my heart beats were no longer connected to anyone but me.
I was taught the heart is to be protected.
The heart controls the body.
With no heart beat there is no me.
So I followed directions. If I didn’t learn anything else, I learned my heart is sacred and belongs to me.
I did good with this job until I became a teen. I met a love that slowed my heart beats.
Things didn’t work out so I took back what was sacred to me.
When I got older I married. I placed my heart in a cozy nest next to another heart beat.
As I got older. I felt the joy of feeling the creation of a heart beat. Mine sped up, working harder to protect a smaller beat.
Joy stayed and my heart skipped many beats of love from creating a family.
But years passed and my cozy nest from which I placed my cozy heart beat became a place that dismissed me.
So I grabbed ahold of my heart like I was told to do. “Protect your heart” is what they said to do.
I realized later the one I gave my heart to was truly the wrong thing for me to do.
I lost many beats of depression. My heart even broke in two.
I realized keeping my heart protected is truly the hardest thing to do.

Let’s stop all infidelity.

My son (Taivon) has grown up to be a very smart and caring young man now. Taivon is 13 yrs old. A few weeks ago he decided to do something to help others. Stop child hunger in Africa. Taivon has decided to create T-Shirts to help raise money for his personal foundation. Please help support my son with his young endeavors. Visit the website http://teespring.com/foundingjackson
Your support gives each child hope not just the creator.

Thank you friends and family.

Shante and Taivon.

I seen a post where a man was afraid to speak at a prison. I begin to think to myself would I fear to stand in front of those that committed a crime and speak on a life worth changing or would I flow like the wind blows.
It came to me as I tagged that the words would flow because I would allow god to speak through me. I would pass healing through the room. I would be sure to make a lasting impression on everyone in the room so they would want to change their life’s. there is no one crime greater than the other. There is no one person superior than the other. We are all gods children. We are all equally loved. We all sin. We all need to pray to our father for our sins. We all love with our hearts and we bleed from our flesh. The life in prison is a battle it’s worse than the life we strive to live outside the bob wire fence. I’ve seen pain from birth not having a mother. I’ve seen pain as a single mother raising a man. I’ve seen pain as a wife having a husband cheat and leaving my heart to bleed out. Pain we all endure. So speaking to a prison of folks with pain and hope would be no problem for me.

I shal not judge no child of god. But I do expect the child to fall to his/her knees to our father for forgiveness.

There comes a time in life when you have to take a step back from PLANNING. Everything a woman does is planned from the beginning. Her school of choice, her career, marriage, kid amount, house, finances and love. Through the planning she sees perfection. Nothing less than perfection. Failure is not an option. It’s not until a man comes along with a moments plan. A MOMENT where he says I’m going back to school for you baby, the moment he chooses his career to support his family to be for marriage, kids and the home. LOVE brings PLANNING and MOMENT. Both a blessing. It’s not until the planning and moment is altered by one decision from a spouse not strong enough to avoid temptation. A woman that seeks pain, hurt or revenge against any weak man and destroys a married man PLAN. It’s not until a man makes this married woman with insecurities and loneliness feel special and wanted and she deviates from the PLAN.
After all is done between this now broken marriage there becomes new PLANS. The family is broken, Careers are changed, homes are split, divorce is now broken LOVE.

To my readers choose your PLANNING.
Choose your MOMENTS.
Love from the beginning, Love until the end.
Moment of Planning complete.


I would like to start by saying Thank You to all those that read my blogs and have felt moved even an inch by my words. I appreciate all the comments and I ask that you continue to follow my vision.

Now, Merry Christmas to all. I hope this year has been filled with all of your most reached endeavors.
I also ask that each of my followers and fellow blog writers sip a nice cup of eggnog for me or with me during this holiday season.
That would be eggnog half cup
Bacardi 2.5 shots
With a sprinkle if cinnamon to spice up the holiday.

If your feeling after this holiday drink fill me a christmas card in the mail. Lol
P.O Box 2318
Land o lakes Fl 34639

Throw secret santa on top with a buck and a smile.

Have a merry christmas to all my readers.


The government needs to get things together. The fancy suits need to get their asses back to work. Where do you get off making altering decisions that extremely effect our US.
Let me tell you something how about WE the people shut down on those in office and see how you get by then. No drivers, no chefs, no malls for your wife’s to shop all day. No banks open for you to get to your deposit box.
We need our government back in place. The one you tried to hurt wasn’t enough you decided to add others to.
Now I’m an angry military spouse. I’m yelling with anger of deployments and raising children on my own by my side. Hear me hear me good.
Put our damn government back or get yal asses out of office.

Angry spouse.